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Most exciting famous and undiscovered places to eat in Bali.

A big part of every journey, of every new place you are about to discover comes to food and local cuisine. But reading about absolutely the same places in pretty much every blog, you start to wonder if there’s something else out there. Well, there is. And I am the living proof to all these undiscovered delicious, juicy spots.

Planning on staying in Bali for good 10 days, we made sure that this part of the trip requires a very serious approach to a data base. I love reading about others’ food revelations and experiences, so obviously picking places for dinners and other meals was a pure mission. Since the main reason going to Bali was a birthday celebration of my partner, I wanted this occasion to be unforgettable, but about it and every other amazing gourmet confession further in this post.

We arrived in Bali around four o’clock in the afternoon and had a very straight plan going to a newly opened Australian place in Ubud. The name of the restaurant was Honey and Smoke, so you imagine the expectations. Since the flight to Indonesia was good 8 hours, we were ready to consume a rich amount of steak and every impossible starter and a side dish. If you are into rich grilled scallops and good old pork loin, then, my friend, this place is just your number one choice. The combination of spices and flavors accompany the main dishes is so beautifully impressive, you would not want to leave the place too soon. And the choice of cocktails? – Is beyond imagination: tropical fruits and berries along with infused spirits keep you wondering and want to try one more. My suggestion is to make a reservation beforehand as this place is growing popularity.

The very next morning, we were craving some fulfilling breakfast. We checked plenty of different coffee shops and extensive cafes and came across an absolutely incredible place called Watercress. To be fair, I should mention that this place is well-known all over Bali and have multiple locations everywhere. And let me just say that: it is that famous for a reason. The menu is so amazingly balanced between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you don’t get lost at all and, moreover, you are welcome to have some bubbles at your brunch with a freshly made eggs Benny. On top of all the mentioned goodness, you may also have a pleasure to try some of their signature cocktails based on a locally created and produced gin, called East Indies. Overall, a beautiful, delicious food plus smiley and extremely friendly team equals a perfect beginning for the day.

The other two places I am about to mention here are very dear to my heart, because the experiences we got there were so special, we started thinking about them as one of the major highlights of the entire trip.

Hope you’re ready because once you decide to visit these places you will face a very different approach to the food philosophy. For the evening of my SO’s birthday I reserved us a table in Ubud, at the place that is extremely booked at any given moment, also known as Locavore. The main idea of which is a tasting menu: modern creative Indonesian cuisine that supports local produce. Portions aren’t extremely big (bear in mind the number of courses ahead), but delightfully exotic and trigger all your senses. To compliment the dishes, they are always served with a little unorthodox either alcoholic or non-alcoholic, home fermented drinks. Feeling like having a full-on gourmet discovery? Then order an 18-course meal and dive into a real flavorful Odyssey. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

The one I want to mention now is such a treasure because we were very lucky to watch a Netflix episode right before going to Bali. The place is so unique you can’t believe it’s taking place in Bali. R4D (stands for Room 4 Dessert) is owned and run by a New York highly acclaimed chef Will Goldfarb. Intrigued yet? Here’s more: desserts are the main course. But hold on! It’s not your grandma’s cookies and pies. It’s a real masterpiece. And this is not the end: imagine 21-course meal, all sugar based, pairing with the most incredible cocktails. Sounds scary? Well, pace yourself as it is a real pleasure and don’t worry about your sugar level – as all the meals are not insanely sweet, just delightfully candied. All the ingredients are grown and produced locally. Not to forget, but once you’re taken for a walk through the herb garden – you truly start appreciating all the efforts put into the place. Another impressive thing about this restaurant is the sitting in front of the chefs preparing your next meal AND smoothly changing the tables in between the meals as it brings different mood to the whole dinner. In conclusion, do I recommend going and trying it for yourself? No, I insist you going there. It will be truly a dinner to remember. Booking in advance is an extreme necessity.

When someone says Indonesian cuisine, what exactly comes to mind? Fried duck? Sambals? Chicken Satay? Correct, but there’s something else to it and IT is a juicy barbeque. And let me just say that Naughty Nuri knows all about it. The smell of the smoked meat, falling of the bones is intoxicating and the martinis they make there are KILLERS. Although, if you are still up to trying some delicious local food, then Warung Setia (Pemuteran) will bring you lots of flavorful joy. The spot is teeny tiny but the magic on that kitchen is real. I assure you, you won’t find better Nasi goreng than the one these guys cook.

I suppose it’s totally worth mentioning one more place in Bali. A real showstopper in my opinion, especially if you are feeling like having a nice, chilled date night. Mama San is quite a place for it. Dimmed lights, extravagant choice of signature cocktails and food that makes your mouth water just from the look at it. Small bites are so attractively yummy, you might want to order everything in that category. And the sharing plates are simply divine. A true praise to a smartly elevated Asian street food.

Drawing the line to my gastronomic discovery, I should say that there are plenty of other places in Bali worth mentioning, but this post would probably never be finished. There’s only one solution to this dilemma: going and appreciating the art of combining and mixing ingredients. So here I am encouraging you to do exactly that.


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