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15 big things I learned in my 30s

I will be honest, my 20s were not exactly the most productive. I mean I have figured out certain facts about myself and my surroundings, but I also found it hard implementing this knowledge in life. But then again, nobody gets back at you pointing fingers at your failures because that’s what your 20s are for.

Your 30s are there to cultivate the results. Well, whatever came out from that you have digested. So here I am bringing the light to lessons learned.

The concept of saving money is an important life lesson.


  1. Your actions don’t define you – your intentions do. The outcome of your deeds is very unpredictable and sometimes nobody can save you from an epic failure, but what truly makes a difference is your intentions. You have had something kind and warm inside to put things in action, that’s what matters the most.


  1. Don’t beat yourself up over small things. Trust me there are plenty of big, dramatic, heavy stuff in the world you should be worried about, so save some energy and carry on with your life.


  1. Start up your retirement plan. It will bring lots of peace and assurance in your tomorrow. At a certain point of your life, you will say thank you to yourself for saving up – guaranteed. Those one that managed to be prepared for the future’s unpredictability live stress and anxiety free. Join the club.


  1. People come and go and it’s okay. As long as you live, you change. Not everyone in your life will be able to keep up with these changes. Some of your friends and loved ones may leave you, because you both are no longer on the same path, but it really is all right – you will meet new people on that new path.


  1. Don’t lose sleep over job or career. You may believe that your place of work keeps you afloat and you are dependent on it. That may be partially true, but there are innumerous number of things that can bring you both money and joy – go find it.


  1. You need to love yourself first. Without seeing your own worth, you can never build anything stable. Everything starts and ends with you. As far as you value what you are, the others will do the same.
  2. Know when and how to say NO. You owe it to yourself: your peace of mind, your calmness, your emotional stability. Don’t please everyone around, not everybody is grateful for your sacrifices.


  1. Get married and have a family when and if you want. It’s your life, it’s your time, it’s your body. Nobody, and I repeat, nobody can tell you what to do with it. As long as it makes you happy.


  1. Make your health a priority. Your physical state is more important than you can ever imagine. Nothing matters without it; nothing can help once you lost it. Do yourself a favor and make sure you eat healthy, exercise regularly and do frequent check-ups.


  1. Trust yourself. Do you feel like taking a risk? Or maybe starting a new business? Maybe getting into a new relationship? I know how scary it may sound and seem, but it’s absolutely fine taking a leap of faith and doing it. Trust me – you can trust yourself on being able to manage it all.


  1. Be kind to yourself. The most difficult part of adulthood is accepting your own mistakes. Get to know how to do that and still think of you with kindness and love. There will be many others who would like to turn you down. Don’t be one of them. Cut yourself a slack.


  1. Find what makes you happy and do it religiously. They say there should be three hobbies: the one, that should keep you healthy, the one that will bring you joy, and the one that will bring you money. Make sure all of it elevates your life.


  1. Stop stressing out over your dress size. The image that is so strongly imposed by the mass media is irrelevant. You are a person. Strong, beautiful, gracious, regardless of the size. It is your duty to tell that to yourself. You are your best creation.


  1. Learn when to have a break. Burnouts don’t come with the announcement. It simply hits you. Your task is to prevent it from happening. Little local leaves or exotic travels can help to recharge, reboot and rebuild your system.


  1. Invest in your relationships. Show your beloved ones how much you cherish and appreciate them. Every day. Make it a rule. They are your anchor, your support system and your tribe.


These are only few discoveries that lightened up my life. And I’m grateful I am still learning and open for further adventures. So, hold your heads up – it is a heck of a life!

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