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Creative and fun date ideas.

Have you known each other long enough to get extremely comfortable and be at your happiest spending your evening together on the couch? No shame in that, believe me. Although, there are other multiple ways to have a healthy fun together.

Besides, it’s always interesting to see if you can be something else once you try new things.

I’ll go easy on you and say start light:

  1. Cook something together. Boring, you say? Hold on. Now blindfold one of you and the other one will be directing with hands what and how to mix. It could be a cake or your favorite meal. No idea what to make, I always find great options on this e-book full of amazing recipes. How boring is it now?
  2. Have a painting session with wine at home. Don’t know how to paint? Chill, everyone does after a glass or two of wine. It’s there for a reason. Best supplies I usually find here.
  3. Head to an Arcade Bar. It’s always fun and funny to see your significant other jumping like a kid because they hit the target. And some bites and drinks are there too. So, you’re kind of having a multiple date at once.
  4. Scream your lungs out in a local karaoke bar. Wait, wait. It will be ok: so, what he/she never heard your singing (disclaimer, you’re a terrible singer)? Chances they are going to leave you are there, naturally, but you will definitely have a night to remember. No, seriously, you step out of your comfort zone and live a little.
  5. Sky dive. Ok, ok. I might have to scratch it, because for once I have never gotten my beloved to do that with me (work in progress), but you might be one of those crazy ones who would do it together. It has a bit of a romantic twist to it though: remember the Romeo and Juliet story? Well, hopefully it won’t turn out this way.
  6. Create a cocktail. Not together, you dummies. Each one for one another. But make-up a background story for it. Then present it for a trial and let your partner figure out the ingredients.
  7. Murder mystery date. Yep, you heard me right: there going to be a dead body involved. Find an MM event in your city and go on a hunt or buy one online and invite your friends to participate – it’s always a surprise to figure out if you’re a good team.
  8. Attend a yoga class. Plenty of benefits equals tons of laughter. Besides, the chances it may turn out into a massage/spa night later are incredibly high. Just trust me on that one.
  9. Have one evening dedicated to writing emotions revealing letters or notes, if you want. Don’t tell what exactly you want to write, just pick a little idea and write a sentence or two. Then pick a certain date and tell your partner to open and read it right then. Also, maybe organize some snacks and wine for the process – in the end it will not be much about talking to one another. Quite intimate, ain’t it?
  10. Go to a burlesque show. No, it’s not a strip show. It’s an art, plenty of good giggle and a chance to flirt with your baby in a very sexy/intriguing environment.
Couple dating and having fun playing snooker

It’s just very few ideas, but you are free to dig a little and, believe me, you may discover something incredible and entertaining to do together. Break the rules, expand your boundaries – you’ve got each other, so make this journey enjoyable. This life has a bit more to offer than a couch.

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