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The world’s second largest and second-most populated continent, Africa is also well-known for its magnificent and probably most complicated historical inheritance. But this is not what this post is about. This time it’s all about Zanzibar – the ultimate getaway when you simply need a re-set. Lush-green forests, red savannas and transparent turquoise sea waters are waiting for you to explore them. Naturally, we didn’t want to procrastinate and used the very first opportunity to go there.

In no time tickets were booked, and the dates set. A whole week in a paradise of an island. The plan was extremely simple: do nothing, eat and sleep. And I knew I was professionally equipped for all the activities mentioned above: 5 different bikinis, a sunscreen and pair of shorts, two sizes bigger for the holiday’s weight gaining.

Ok, to be honest, it was also a kite-surfing mission for my SO. I was there to make sure he has fun and I have a spectacular tan. The very first day the task was successfully accomplished. We arrived in Zanzibar at 7.00 am in the morning and soon were on our way to Jambiani, a little village on the south-east coast, famous for its white beaches and vibrant waters. Our hosts in Olamanga villas, Ralu and Lee, greeted us with warmth and gladly explained where we could find kite-surfing spots and equipment. 40 minutes later, Chris was attaching himself to the rope of the kite and I was searching for a sunbed. To say the sun was merciless was basically to say nothing. Hell-o-o-o, Africa! But it was the most wonderful, sunny morning we spent on that beach.

ZANZIBAR, TANZANIA – February 2016: Two Masai dressed in traditional clothes walking along the beach on Zanzibar, Tanzania

Every other day was exactly the same as the previous one, but the bliss of it was not getting any smaller and we never minded having another “Groundhog Day” anyway.

The food we tried in Jambiani was delightful and full of flavors. If you say you can’t have octopus every day for every meal of the day, think twice, because we surely did. And it was divine! Octopus curry, grilled octopus, deep fried octopus, dressed in green salad octopus. Well, you got it. Those two days gave us a clear picture of an island life: surfing- food- beer- sleep- repeat.

But soon enough it was time to move to our next destination. As every travel junkie we wanted more: more ocean, more sun, more food. Well, and every other bit in between. Our next spot was in Kiwengwa,

Aneta’s place, another village, about an hour and a half drive away from the previous location. Here the plan was put in motion: one of the early snorkeling mornings and, of course, plenty of doing nothingness, which included cards games, cold coconut water and plenty of kite- surfing for the active part of our tandem.

But soon enough the snorkeling morning was upon us. Naturally, having a major anxiety attack while in the water with no easy air access, snorkeling didn’t sound like a fun activity, but an hour of training in the pool before the trip (laugh all you want), I was ready to tame this “bad boy” down.

However, on the eve of our set adventure, we were preoccupied finding some local ingredients for the homemade dinner. To cut the long story short, I need to say we succeed: some spicy yellow chilis, red tomatoes and insanely expensive pancetta were safely delivered to our new home. Multiple blisters don’t count – collateral damage. But the dinner? The dinner WAS delicious, my friends!

The very next morning we were picked up for a whole ocean experience. But before that, the plan was swimming with dolphins. I was thrilled, Chris was excited the very normal amount. I guess he had an idea of the whole “go find a dolphin” thing. If I say it was a bit traumatizing, it doesn’t say anything. Swimming with dolphins turned into chasing dolphins, pissing off dolphins, getting ‘the hell away from humans” dolphins. Although I don’t claim reading dolphins’ minds, but I do believe, these creatures only tolerate people around without being supper happy about the co-existence. But the snorkeling exceeded every expectation I had. Clouds of colorful fish were competing in performances, and we couldn’t get enough of it.

About an hour later we were back in our villa and getting ready for another afternoon kitesurfing session. Correction, Chris was getting ready, and I was cuddling on the terrace sofa. Needless to mention, I stayed on the sun bed the entire time. To be very precise I simply always was hanging around the Beach lounge (amazing meals, fresh ingredients and super friendly owners) searching for either another cocktail or some food, while my partner was riding the waves.

Later that evening, we found ourselves an Italian place to eat. Excitement for a proper satisfying meal was beyond the roof. Well, I’ll take a pity and won’t tell the name of the place, but it was… horrible. Without any doubt I make a better risotto. Anyhow, that draws the line at our Kiwengwa adventure.

One of the main goals of that trip was also visiting Stone Town, the island’s capital. Which we gladly did by taking a city tour guided by Ali. This young man made the whole trip so exciting and full of fun, we didn’t notice how two-hours tour was over. Ali’s sense of humor and knowledge of the place gave us an unforgettable sense of Zanzibar.

After analyzing the data about the place, we came to a conclusion that Stone Town is full of surprises and great food spots. Two of which we specifically visited that time. Secret garden is so versatile and light in atmosphere, you just want to keep staying and listening to their live music. The whole design gives a feeling of colonial nostalgia. Plus, the name of the place is there for a reason: you really need to ask for proper directions, and I suggest making a booking, because this place is packed.

The second place we were planning on paying a visit to, was the Tea House. The traditional Swahili-style setting, Zanzibari 5-course menu plus life music performance, and of course gorgeous sunset could make anyone feel like they’re back in time when Omani influence was especially strong.

To sum up, I will tell you one thing, my fellow travelers, Zanzibar is worthy of every bit of your attention. It is a magnificent, surprising, soaked in sunshine island, that will make you love it to its core. Don’t make the same mistake I made putting away this trip in the shelve. Simply book your tickets and see it all for yourself.


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