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Things that make me feel proud of myself.

Do you ever feel like a downer? Maybe a bit more often than you would like to admit, right? And how often do you tell yourself you did a great job? Most likely… never? Well, I think it’s time we turn this ship around. What would you say?

Make yourself proud.

I know I have done stuff I wish I never did, but just as much I know that there is a handful of things, I am certainly proud of. Here are the one I am particularly excited about.

  • Have learned a new skill that terrified me in the past yet made my life way easier. Like driving. It was scary as hell to sit behind the wheel, but once I understood all the how, what and why, I found piece about being in control of a car.
  • Have learned how to overcome challenges. There is a thing about challenges: it feels like an anchor until it’s accomplished, but once it’s overcome – it makes you feel like almighty. If anything, I love challenges because of that post effect. I bet you do too.
  • Have faced the fears and tamed them down. Like snorkeling. If you like me have a panic attack being in the water with a mask on your face, then you know that it… sucks staying on the boat when everyone swimming around chasing fish. Hence several hours spent in the pool training and practicing breathing correctly in the mask. End result? Newly – recruited snorkeling member.
  • Not giving up on your dream. You owe it to yourself first – to create a life full of joy. Dream is something that makes it possible. So, if you haven’t given up on this dream of yours, whatever that is: cooking, designing, or possibly blogging, it only means you made a promise to make yourself happy. And that is something to be proud of.
  • Having put the need of being right aside, if it hurts someone’s feelings. There’s no shame in stepping away from an argument if it doesn’t bring anything but bitterness and humiliation to the other party.
  • Having believed online dating could be a real deal. I have almost put this idea of going on a blind date with a stranger and expecting something beautiful out of it away. But then miracle happened, and I met this wonderful person. Therefore, I encourage you to take this risk. Mine definitely was worth it.
  • Having moved to a foreign country and built the life there. I made plenty of questionable decisions in the past, but having decided to move to live on a different continent was one of my bravest. Twice, for the record.
  • Being able to find forgiveness for both you and others. I am an overthinker and it drives me nuts most of the time, but this specific trait of mine helped me out to reconsider many things from the prior events. Forgiveness was a very major side effect of this activity. Try it – it only gets better from there.
  • Standing up for someone or something that needs help. It may not be the quality I have developed, but simply inherited from my dad, but it doesn’t make it any smaller. Yes, it puts me in trouble every now and then, but I will never back up once my help is needed.
  • Being able to take care of myself and the loved ones. Something that doesn’t require justification. As simple as that.
Know without a doubt that you were made for great things.

I mentioned only few but quite fundamental things that help me keep going further every day. Find yours, put them on board and manifest if needed so. Trust me, it will change your life drastically. Best mantra ever.

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