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Tips for self-improvement

The hardest project you will ever get to work on, yet the best paying forward one is YOU. True, you’ll invest in it the most, polish it the hardest, probably lose and start again with it not once, not twice, but multiple times. However, the outcome is the most rewarding.

To keep you on your toes and possibly motivate even more, let me offer you pieces of advice on how to make it a bit easier. As I myself, try to keep it in check, I also found it quite helpful to stick to a certain routine and practices.  Without any further a due, I’ll lay them out  here.

  • Exercise at least two to three times a week: the combo of the hormones released during the workout keep you healthy and happy.
  • Get enough sleep: I can go on and on about how important it is to go to bed at the same time, but considering schedules and habits, it might be a bit difficult. However, try at least to have a proper restful 7 hours of sleep. You’ll notice the difference.
  • Start learning a new language. Find the right motivation and you’ll be surprised how resultful and beneficial in a long run it can be: whether you are going for travelling or trying to communicate with a newly gained friend, or maybe for further business opportunities. Do it – you’ll love it.
  • Practice meditation. What do all the gurus, psychics, mentors and mental coaches recommend for the balance? Exactly, meditation. I mean, these guys know a thing or two about inner peace.
  • Put effort in all your relationships. Loving, understanding and supportive relationships do not just happen, they need proper work to be put in them. It’s like an emotional/mental workout: the more you practice it – the better it gets with time.
  • Say sorry when needed and truly mean it. Nobody wants a pity “sorry” as if you do them a favor. It’s only highly appreciated once you honestly admit the mistake and ready to take care of the consequences.
  • Get out of debt. Don’t rely on a miracle and think that maybe the debt vanish in thin air: it never does. Do some extra work, tighten up the belt if you must and get out of the vicious circle.
  • Save for retirement. Your elder self will be endlessly grateful for your savings and extra care. Nothing else needs to be said.
  • Hire a financial advisor if you can afford it. Obviously, it’s a bit out of the regular small things you can do but it makes a difference in a long run.
  • Learn a new skill. Did you always want to know how to play a guitar or cook some Brazilian food, or maybe speak a sign language? Well, there is no better time to start than now.
  • Sign up for a free course online. The number of different options available on the internet today is endless. Whatever you can possibly imagine is right out there within one click. And again- it’s free.
  • Forgive easily. All that resentment that stops you from living your best and free life doesn’t help anybody. It doesn’t punish those who hurt you – most of the times they don’t care, but it’s in you to forgive and move on. Just for yourself.
  • Start a business you’re passionate about. Your hobby could be a potential source of income. They say do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.
  • Read books regularly. No better way to educate or entertain yourself. Millions of people in the world are a living proof for it.
  • Listen to personal development podcasts. Searching for extra motivation for a growth- there’s nothing better than listening to someone else’s experience.
  • Always have a backup plan. Yes, things and arrangements do fall apart sometimes, and that’s exactly why it’s important to calculate additional moves in case of an emergency.
  • Train yourself to keep a to-do list. If you tend to get distracted easily, plan to keep yourself in check with a to-do list: it’ll help you to focus on important things.
  • Stay in touch with your family members and friends: they are all that really matter.
  • Make sure you know how to have fun without splurging. You know, things that bring joy are not necessarily always expensive. They sometimes are very small things: like the walk on the beach or a nice cup of coffee in the morning.
  • Laugh as much as possible: the best times you’ll ever have in life are those where you smiled and laughed the most.
  • Ask for help without embarrassment. It’s a sign of an emotional maturity if you admit you need help and don’t have any troubles going and asking for it.
  • Stop procrastinating. Impossible to imagine what could have been created or invented, or simply accomplished, if only people didn’t fall for the same pattern of procrastination repeatedly. Don’t put into shelves those things you could do today.
  • Go for a regular checkup with your doctor. The major things in this world you can’t get back are time and health. Unfortunately, perpetuum mobile doesn’t exist, so time is out of our reach, but health could be at least tracked and monitored.
  • Come out of your comfort zone: whether it’s staying at the same job for years, not travelling or having the same breakfast every day.
  • Think of volunteering. It could be anything: help saving the planet or local pets nursery. There are always sets of free hands needed there.
  • Set the goals and be eager to achieve them since you’re the one who will benefit the most from them.
  • Do a screen and food detox. There’s only that much that social media and greasy food can do for you. Setting healthy boundaries to both will pay back tremendously.
  • Ask for feedback. It is important to understand where you stand with your progress.
  • Be self-aware. Every time, you notice you’re getting carried away with destructive thoughts – acknowledge it, correct it and move forward.
  • Work with the therapist. Nobody said that the self-improvement is an easy process, otherwise it wouldn’t be called work. But down that road, to avoid getting delusional and staying on track, you can ask for the assistance of a professional.

I know it seems like a lot of instructions at once but believe me it’s all worth it.  Besides, don’t pressure yourself to get it all done at the same time. Work in portions. After some time, get back to where you started and compare the progress. I guarantee, the satisfaction you’ll get seeing the results will beat all the discomfort and hard times you had during the process. And for now, enjoy the ride, mon ami.

0 Responses

  1. Such an informative and an eye opening article. It’s like talking to a Beat friend/ Sis / Guide.

    In this Chaos of life, Having to read this Guided tips is like someone who really cares showing you direction.
    Cannot even begin to say or write here it’s so beautiful. Honestly in a long time, have I sat down with all my Mindfulness to imbibe all these in my everyday life.
    The writer truly understands that it’s easy to be drifted away in life but how important it is be balance or find one.
    Can’t thank enough for this beautiful piece. Have jotted down point personally and going to follow right away.
    Thanks Sis ! This is Hands down Beautiful 💗

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