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15 signs you have a healthy relationship

Love is the best of gifts that life can possibly give you. It makes you feel lifted, inspired, light and simply happy. It’s the most wonderful feeling there is. But it only is this way if you are willing to work on your relationship. A healthy one, in fact, doesn’t simply happen. It requires efforts and equal inputs. Yes, an understanding of love is very different to different people, but there is a common ground when it comes to identifying a healthy love development.

Here are 15 signs you are in a healthy relationship with your partner:

  1. You actually like each other. Love can make you feel that your partner is perfect and ignore their imperfections. But knowing your person to the core and really liking them is a true sign of you having something real there.
  1. You trust one another. There is no way to move further in a relationship, unless you trust each other. You know this person will always have your back and be there for you whenever you need it.
  1. You are honest. You don’t feel you need to cover any facts from your past. You feel at ease once you need to discuss important things. You want your person to be aware of everything you feel and like.
  1. You talk about difficult subjects. Discussing topics like kids, money or politics is never easy. But if you know that you will be understood and heard what you have to say is an important pillar in a healthy relationship.
  1. You have healthy boundaries. If you are willing to give your partner all the space and time they need (whether it’s meeting their own friends or developing their hobby or simply spending an evening alone), and you know how and when to say no, they always want to come back to you, because it feels like a safe and loving environment.
  1. Your inner circle love your partner. Do your friends and family have nothing but good things to say about your person? Well, you’re definitely a lucky one.
  1. You have disagreements without being in a fight. Yes, having conflicts in a relationship is a normal thing, as long as you know how to solve them without raising your voice and belittling each other. It’s okay to agree to disagree on certain discussions.
  1. You don’t judge each other. Making mistakes is a part of every relationship, but being able to forgive without judging is a big step to developing a non-toxic, loving behavior.
  1. You respect one another. Their opinions, their decisions, their thoughts. There is no one else you rely on more, once you need a piece of advice, because it’s them who you value the most.
  1. You make decisions together. You are equal partners, and you totally understand the importance of being able to come to agreeable solutions.
  1. You are kind to each other. You find the words of encouragement for each other in the moments of despair. You choose to be gentle with each other’s feelings.
  2. You’re supportive of each other’s goals and interests. You believe that being there for each other once they dream of something big and impressive is only natural. You like to see your partner smiling while they are busy with the hobby that brings them joy.
  3. You’re moving in a comfortable for each other pace. There is no rush in taking further steps, no panic when you see everybody else moving forward quite fast. You believe you both are respectful enough for deciding to get into the future together.
  4. You’re accountable for your words and actions. You take the responsibility for your decisions and ready for the consequences, because this is what brings confidence in each other’s trust.
  5. You know how to have fun together. You like each other’s company and have an idea what makes your partner laugh. You know how to entertain one another because you’re each other’s best friends.

Obviously, there are plenty of different techniques that help developing your relationship into a healthy and safe environment. For instance, you can always sign up for online curses with leading psychologists and behaviorists. Try to surround yourself with couple friends that are a great example of happy families.

As mentioned earlier, love is just the beginning. Relationship is always work. And it’s up to you, how you want it to be. Shape it any way possible – as one says, everyone is the smith of his misfortune.

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