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How to maintain work-life balance.

Have you ever felt as if you are in a constant ride of a rollercoaster in your everyday life? Or possibly you no longer know the day of the week? Or maybe you are in such a rush, you don’t remember when was your last meal of the day?

Sure, it can happen to the best of us. Although, if you genuinely believe it has become your routine, then you are in a bigger problem than you think. Yes, you can be extremely busy, and yes, you might have one or two days in a month when you feel this way. However, if it is your lifestyle, then I think it’s time you reconsider your work-life balance.

There’s no need to panic thinking of a burnout. If you’re still on board with all your tasks of the day, then all you need is some help to put those scales in order.

  1. Practice time management.

Think of everything you have that must be completed by the end of your working day and act according to the time you can give to the tasks. Don’t get destructed by small things.

  1. Prioritize your health.

You can only give yourself to your work that much, so make sure that your healthy body and mind are there to support your vision. Your deadline will not hold your hand in the hospital.

  1. Set boundaries.

Know exactly how and when to say NO. As long as you keep on “dragging” all the tasks without any disagreement, nobody will stop you. Care about yourself first.

  1. End work at certain time.

I know, I know, you could have done so much more today. Or yesterday, or tomorrow. However, remember that new problems appear as soon as you solved the old ones. And it’s ok to put them on hold until the next day. But always put a healthy limit to your productivity.

  1. Plan ahead.

As soon as you make a schedule for all the necessary things to be accomplished during the day, it gets easier to follow the time you give to every task you planned for your working hours.

  1. Focus on personal relationships.

They are as important (if not more) as your work relationships. This is where mind and soul rests. But it only happens this way if you continue to nourish them without skipping. Your friends and family will understand your extremely busy schedule, but it should be an excuse to your negligence.

  1. Try to be as efficient as possible at work.

If you focus on bringing results in the shortest period of time possible, you will not have the need to stay extra time at work, trying to cover all the corners.

  1. Learn how to disconnect.

Make a rule once you reach home to put your phone on silent and your laptop in “out of office” mode. I guarantee it will bring a piece of mind both to you and your loved once.

  1. Seek for professional help.

Of course, everything I already mentioned may        not be enough. Or maybe you already reached your limit. In this case, it’s always smarter to ask for help. Overload and work burnout can have serious consequences to both your physical and mental health. Never hesitate to seek for professional support.

  1. Take proper time off regularly.

Staycations and little getaways could be very helpful in escaping your daily routine. They also bring rest and necessary reboot. These two (including a proper long-term vacation) are the most important factors of moving forward. In the end of the day, you need to know how to enjoy the results of your hard work.

Work hard, play hard, they say. Well, it seems we tend to ignore the second part of the expression.  But it only takes that much for this sentence to make sense. Go for the records, if this is something you truly enjoy, but be sure to do it smart.

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