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Seven ways to motivate yourself.

If you like me, occasionally, find yourself in a cul-de-sac because you can’t get enough motivation to do necessary things, then you know how hard it may be at times to find the good reasons to do so anyway.

Look, I don’t claim that I know best, but I tried several methods, and these are the ones that help me the most.

  1. Create a positive mindset. It may sound strange but sometimes all you need is being in a good mood and having a strong belief it will work. Nobody ever knows for sure if your idea is a solid thing, but faith makes it look that way.
  2. Just start. Yes, I hear you, the piece of advice is as old as the world itself, but that’s for a reason. It all starts somewhere small. You don’t need to know how it ends and it may, as well, never end badly. So do it and do it today.
  3. Be constructive. Accept the fact that down this road you will make mistakes, and it is okay to do so. What is not okay is never learn the lesson based on them. Screwing things up, messing them up is the chance to do everything right AND better next time.
  1. Set achievable goals and gain experience all along. Once you see an attainable goal, you automatically build a plan accordingly. You make your decisions and moves because you trust yourself to achieve it. The unattainable goals often bring nothing but anxiety and disappointments. Don’t let yourself feel down because of the big and heavy goals ahead. Move according to your skills you have now. Shortly, you will be able to set your view higher.
  1. Commit. That’s the deal. You must sacrifice something to get something in return. Nobody said it will be easy or fast, or without any efforts. To gain big you gotta give back big: either your time, or sleep, of emotional comfort, sometimes all of it at once. But that’s what you are signing up for.
  1. “Freshen up” a bit. To keep your level of motivation at its pick, you sometimes will have to reboot. Muse is a brilliant basis, but it won’t be enough. Thankfully, internet today is full of inspirational speeches and podcasts, motivational books and must-watch videos. Never underestimate the power of network to keep yourself going forward.
  1. Remember your “why”. In the days when you feel the lowest, remind yourself of your reasons. They say keep the eyes on the prize, so try to remember what made you start in the first place. And once you do, push harder. Because there’s your reward is waiting for you.

There are plenty of small techniques and tricks that can help you keep yourself accountable. I bet you could easily name one or two. Motivation is like a little flower, needs a bit of water and light. Keep feeding it with small things like friends’ support, short meditations or even a tiny dance break. Whatever you think can help you stimulate your brain and body – give it a shot.

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